"I know the price of success: dedication, hardwork, and a devotion to things you want to see happen"

~  Frank Lloyd Wright ~


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Scott & Associates Inc.
Human Resources Consulting Firm

Our Strategic Partners

In support of meeting our clients’ specialized requirements, Scott & Associates Inc. has developed strategic Partnerships/Alliances with other subject matter expert consulting firms such as:

Russell Security Services (1990) Inc. is a privately owned and operated, Canadian-based non-unionized security agency.  RSSI offers a full range of security services, including Uniformed Guards, Investigations and Background Screening, Labour Dispute Services, Incident Management, Security Consulting, Risk Assessments and Contingency Plan development.   Through offices in Toronto and Barrie, RSSI supplies skilled, highly motivated and committed security professionals to various levels of municipal, provincial and federal governments, and to the automotive, textile, hospital, education, retail, financial and tourism sectors.  Tel: (800) 418-9537; email: info@russellsecurity.on.ca or visit http://www.russellsecurity.on.ca

ERGONOMICS PLUS Inc. specialises in the application of ergonomics and human factors principles to all aspects of the occupational environment.  Areas of specialisation include ergonomics as it applies to the industrial, office, construction, pulp and paper and the mining sectors.  Particular attention is given to making recommendations that improve performance while reducing operational costs.  Services provided include ergonomics consulting on occupational health and safety issues, ergonomics programs to meet legislative requirements, work place modifications to facilitate return to work, and educational seminars. ERGONOMICS PLUS Inc. has expertise in the areas of occupational ergonomics, musculoskeletal injury prevention, work place design/re-design and work place accommodations that facilitate an employee’s return to the workplace.  For more information on the Toronto or Vancouver area offices contact:  Dr. Geoff Wright, 3350 West 23rd Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6S 1K3 Email: ergplus@shaw.ca

Please contact us at: information@scottandassociatesinc.com